I navigate the "indie" books, so you don't have to

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chapter One, of sorts


A little background info is needed, don't you think?

I'm a recent graduate from Northern Michigan University, nestled in Michigan's picturesque Upper Peninsula. I got my Bachelor of Science in Writing, with a minor in Psychology. Writing is my passion, closely followed by reading.

My reading habit is absurd, and has only grown more extreme since I justified using student loan money to buy an Amazon Kindle. I love it, and I've spent more money than I'd care to admit on books.

So, in an effort to curb my budget, I've started trying to gravitate toward books that are five dollars or less. Just because a book is self published certainly doesn't mean that it is not worth your time. In fact, there are some "budget books" that are more worth a read than some put out by more well-known, major publishers.

Which brings us to this blog. Here, I will help you, the readers, navigate the murky waters of the Amazon Underbelly. I will offer reviews of each book I read, provided it is under $5. I may splurge once in awhile, but don't worry, you'll be forewarned. Each book review will be prefaced by the price, both print and Kindle edition, but my price cap is based on the digital price. No printing materials=lower prices, after all. I will also indicate genre and reading level, so you can decide whether or not the review is worth your time. Editing issues will be addressed, but only if they really, REALLY bother me. I'm not, after all, going to make much of a difference if I dissect someone's work page by page and completely disregard it due to a wayward comma.

And I take suggestions! So if you have a book you love, let me know, and hopefully I won't destroy it.

So stay tuned! I'll have to reach back through my Kindle History, and catch up on many of the things I've already read. But don't worry, if you write it, I will come.


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